
Advanced Software Development with MATLAB

Posts 1 - 10 of 79

All your (data)base are belong to us 2

Today I'd like to introduce first time blog contributor Tim Johns. Tim is a consultant in our UK office who has a wealth of experience utilizing the power of MATLAB for production applications. He is here to highlight a powerful workflow he has developed and is sharing for testing with databases. Take it away Tim!。。。더 읽어보기 >>

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Pluggin it in with Jenkins 5

Now that we have MATLAB projects self-describing how they can be tested, let me get after what I hinted at最后一篇文章。特别是,让项目设置并准备使用自动化CI构建,这是多么容易。我们已经讨论过many times on this blog如何在Jenkins上与Matlab和Simulink代码进行平方,但我们从未讨论过我们如万博1manbetx何努力让您更轻松。这需要纠正!......더 읽어보기 >>


So now you了解项目。你can see how they enable you to create a standard environmental setup so that you (and others!) can reproduce the right conditions to get going without fuss or learning curves. It gives you a fundamental unit of development so that all contributors know how to immediately get going and contribute to your work....더 읽어보기 >>

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项目自己! 6

Hello everyone. It has been quite a long time since we've posted anything in this forum. It's not for lack of topics though! We have many great and exciting topics to discuss, and we'd like to kick it off with a great guest post from Laura Dempsey. Laura is an application engineer in our UK office and she has a great energy and interest in how we can develop high integrity MATLAB code. She is here to discuss a feature that is both mature and established as well as new and exciting. Take it away Laura.。。。더 읽어보기 >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 79

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