Hans on IoT


Arduino 1.0到Thingspeak素描

The Arduino team recently released the release candidate ofArduino 1.0.在Google代码上。它是适用于Windows,Mac和Linux的。Arduino IDE的1.0版包括对GUI的增强,并为Arduino Hardware API添加和更改。自发布以来,我们已成为测试Arduino 1.0-RC1并找到要点的更新。这绝对是前进的。影响arduino草图的巨大变化是将DHCP和DNS支持列入以太网库,由Adrian Mcewen整合。万博1manbetx我们能够使用新的Arduino 1.0来使其尽可能简单地将Arduino平台连接到Internet。Download the latest Arduino IDE on谷歌代码

Arduino 1.0.and ThingSpeak Examples

We have created a new些什么速写for Arduino 1.0 that you can use for the Arduino and Ethernet Shield or the Arduino Ethernet all-in-one. All you have to do is add your ThingSpeak Write API Key to the sketch, upload to the Arduino, and connect to your network. The sketch includes automatic network configuration with DHCP, domain name resolution using DNS, a watchdog / reset function to keep the Arduino online, and a function to update ThingSpeak Channels. The new sketch has been running without hiccup in our lab for few weeks. We hope that you get the same reliability. Go ahead and copy, transform, and combine…

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