Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB

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Results for: Common Errors

What’s “if” “all” about? 12

I recently posted about a GOTCHA with the expressiona < x < bin MATLAB andMatt'scomments made me look to see if I had ever devoted a post to the behavior ofall(or its companionany). So today I will explain howallworks and why you need to take care when you use arrays for testing conditions inifandwhilestatements. This is especially true if you donotuse them with functions such asanyorallsince they can reduce expressions to scalartrueandfalsevalues....read more >>

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Scalar Roulette 4

A while ago, Steve posted an article entitled Functional Design Clunkers on his blog. Well, I have a confession to make too. Have you ever been bitten by the ambiguity in the contour...read more >>

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