File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

R2020b: swarmchart

Jiro's Pick this week isswarmchart, a new visualization function in R2020b.

Following Sean'spostfrom last week, I'd like to highlight a new function fromthe newest release of MATLAB.

Many, many years ago, IPickeda File Exchange entry calledbeeswarm plot. It's a vizualization that lets you see the distribution of the data along a dimension.

data = {randn(1, 25), randn(1, 100) + 1, randn(1, 300) - 0.5}; plotSpread(data,...'xNames', {'one','two','three'},...'distributionMarkers', {'o','+','.'});

你can also see similar type of plots by searching for"violin plot".

In R2020b, you can now create this type of visualization with the new functionswarmchart.

data = [data{:}]; x = categorical([ones(1,25) 2*ones(1,100) 3*ones(1,300)],[1 2 3],["one""two""three"]); clf swarmchart(x,data)

If you are on an older release of MATLAB, you can make use of the entries on File Exchange, but I recommend you upgrade to the newest release to take advantange of the plethora ofnew featuresthat come with it.


Give it a try and let us know what you thinkhere.

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