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Wavelet Toolbox

Analyze and synthesize signals and images using wavelets

Wavelet Toolbox™ provides apps and functions for analyzing and synthesizing signals and images. You can detect events like anomalies, change points, and transients, and denoise and compress data. Wavelet and other multiscale techniques can be used to analyze data at different time and frequency resolutions and to decompose signals and images into their various components. You can use wavelet techniques to reduce dimensionality and extract discriminating features from signals and images to train machine and deep learning models.

With Wavelet Toolbox you can interactively denoise signals, perform multiresolution and wavelet analysis, and generate MATLAB®代码。工具箱包括数字低音的算法us and discrete wavelet analysis, wavelet packet analysis, multiresolution analysis, wavelet scattering, and other multiscale analysis.

Many toolbox functions support C/C++ and CUDA®code generation for desktop prototyping and embedded system deployment.

Get Started

Learn the basics of Wavelet Toolbox

Time-Frequency Analysis

CWT, constant-Q transform, empirical mode decomposition, wavelet coherence, wavelet cross-spectrum

Discrete Multiresolution Analysis

DWT, MODWT, dual-tree wavelet transform, shearlets, wavelet packets, multisignal analysis

Denoising and Compression

Wavelet shrinkage, nonparametric regression, block thresholding, multisignal thresholding

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Wavelet-based techniques for machine learning and deep learning, GPU acceleration, hardware deployment, signal labeling

Filter Banks

Orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelet and scaling filters, lifting

Code Generation and GPU Support

Generate C/C++ and CUDA code and MEX functions, and run functions on a graphics processing unit (GPU)