

为ROS节点生成C/C ++和CUDA代码,并部署到本地和远程硬件

ROS Toolbox使您能够生成C ++和CUDA®code for ROS nodes, and deploy them to local or remote device targets. For MATLAB®包含ROS接口的代码,您可以生成C ++代码并使用ROS节点部署它们MATLAB Coder™(See从MATLAB®生成独立的ROS节点). For Simulink®模型,您可以使用Simulink Coder(SeeGenerate a Standalone ROS Node from Simulink®) or optimized CUDA code using GPU Coder™, and deploy them as ROS nodes.


Deploy ROS Nodes from MATLAB

Deploy ROS Nodes from Simulink

Deploy ROS 2 Nodes from MATLAB

Deploy ROS 2 Nodes from Simulink

Deploy CUDA-Optimized ROS Nodes from Simulink

Deploy CUDA optimized ROS 2 Nodes from Simulink
