




使用Mathworks产品和s manbetx 845基于模型的设计来设计和测试燃料电池车辆推进系统


  • 便捷的沟通
  • 大量的设计时间节省
  • 创新技术


马修·史蒂文斯(Matthew Stevens),滑铁卢大学


The University of Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team (UWAFT) won first place overall in the first year of the three-year competition with their fuel-cell-powered vehicle design. UWAFT also won The MathWorks Crossover to Model-Based Design Award for outstanding achievement in creating, simulating, and analyzing models for vehicle design and subsystem control.

“We were the only team to use fuel cells in the powertrain,” says professor Roydon Fraser, UWAFT faculty advisor. “MathWorks software for Model-Based Design not only cut down on the time it took for our team to prototype and simulate our vehicle system designs, but also enabled us to establish the viability of the fuel cell technology.”


The first year of Challenge X focuses on vehicle design. Participants must use Model-Based Design to complete powertrain design and testing within 10 months, and must submit five major reports.

滑铁卢大学团队寻求设计软件,使他们能够在整个项目中使用基于模型的设计 - 从需求捕获到实施。该软件必须通过促进模型重用来加速控制策略的制定。还必须快速学习并使团队成员能够轻松分享工作。


UWAFT队长Matthew Stevens说:“ Mathworks工具使我们能够模拟各种动力总成,开发准确的植物模型,测试控制策略并验证总体设计。”

数学工程在MATLAB提供了培训®,S万博1manbetximulink®,状态流®, and PSAT, a modeling program based on Simulink. “Having a product with a quick learning curve or that students were already trained in was critical to the team’s success,” Stevens comments. “MathWorks tools could be used for multiple stages in the design process, minimizing the number of software programs that students needed to learn.”

UWAFT developed more than 400 PSAT simulations to compare fuels, technologies, and powertrain sizing. Optimization Toolbox™ and a sophisticated Design of Experiments enabled them to understand the relationship between component size and vehicle performance and then determine the optimal powertrain.

They used Simulink to develop a plant model of the fuel cell power system, which included the engine, the battery, the fuel cell, and a DC/DC converter.

MATLAB,S万博1manbetximulink,状态流, and Control System Toolbox™ enabled them to develop the hybrid control strategy (HCS), which determines the amount of power coming from the fuel cell. MATLAB helped them to find the optimal appropriation of power between the fuel cell and battery over a specific drive cycle.

DC/DC转换器可增强燃料电池电压并控制燃料电池的功率。SIMSCAPE Electrical™用于对电路进行建模,该电路由PI控制器控制。该团队使用Bode图和MATLAB中的极点零地图研究了电路的频率响应和稳定性。仿真使他们能够验证正确的操作,确定电路效率并计算电感器和其他组件的值和评级。




“We are definitely interested in using other MathWorks products throughout the competition, and hopefully in our future careers in many other projects,” Stevens says.


  • 便捷的沟通。MATLAB和Simulink万博1manbetx环境增加efficiency by enabling team members to easily exchange shortcuts and tips and to e-mail their models and results to each other for further work.

  • 大量的设计时间节省。史万博1manbetx蒂文斯指出:“尤其是Simulink允许UWAFT使用基于模型的设计比较四种不同的燃料,并在不到10个月的时间内设计了强大的燃料燃料电池式运动车辆和控制策略,包括训练时间,这是一个真正令人难以置信的壮举。”“如果没有Simu万博1manbetxlink,可能会花我们直到三年的比赛结束,以完成第一年的工作!”

  • 创新技术。"We believe that our end product will be the first student-designed fuel cell vehicle to provide performance competitive with today’s vehicles while achieving the mileage and efficiency needs of the future,” Stevens says.