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Read MSI planet antenna file



msiread(fname)reads an MSI planet antenna file in.pln, or.msiformats.

[horizontal] = msiread(fname)reads the file and returns a structure containing horizontal gain data.

[horizontal,vertical] = msiread(fname)reads the file and returns structures containing horizontal and vertical gain data.


[horizontal,vertical,optional] = msiread(fname)reads the file and returns structures containing horizontal gain data, vertical gain data, and all additional data in the file.


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Create a helix antenna and plot the elevation pattern at 2 GHz.

h = helix; patternElevation(h,2e9,[0 45 90],'Elevation',0:1:360);


Write the elevation pattern of the helix antenna in an MSI Planet Antenna file.

msiwrite(h,2e9,'helix','Name','Helix Antenna Specifications')

The msiwrite function saves a file namedhelix.plnto the default MATLAB™ folder.

NAME Helix Antenna Specifications FREQUENCY 2000.0 GAIN 8.74 dBi HORIZONTAL 360 0.00 13.56 1.00 13.48 2.00 13.39 3.00 13.30 4.00 13.22 5.00 13.13

Read the MSI antenna data file created.

ans =struct with fields:PhysicalQuantity: 'Gain' Magnitude: [360x1 double] Units: 'dBi' Azimuth: [360x1 double] Elevation: 0 Frequency: 2.0000e+09 Slice: 'Elevation'

Read horizontal, vertical and optional data from the antenna data fileTest_file_demo.pln.

[Horizontal,Vertical,Optional] = msiread('Test_file_demo.pln')
Horizontal =struct with fields:PhysicalQuantity: 'Gain' Magnitude: [360x1 double] Units: 'dBd' Azimuth: [360x1 double] Elevation: 0 Frequency: 659000000 Slice: 'Elevation'
Vertical =struct with fields:PhysicalQuantity: 'Gain' Magnitude: [360x1 double] Units: 'dBd' Azimuth: 0 Elevation: [360x1 double] Frequency: 659000000 Slice: 'Azimuth'
Optional =struct with fields:name: 'Sample.pln' make: 'Sample 4DR-16-2HW' frequency: 659000000 h_width: 180 v_width: 7.3000 front_to_back: 34 gain: [1x1 struct] tilt: 'MECHANICAL' polarization: 'POL_H' comment: 'Ch-45 0 deg dt' scaling_mode: 'AUTOMATIC'

Input Arguments

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Name of MSI file, specified as a character vector. The files must be a.plnor.msiformat.

Output Arguments

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Horizontal gain data, returned as a structure containing the following fields:

  • PhysicalQuantity— Quantity specified in the MSI file, returned as one of the values:'E-field','H-field','directivity','power','powerdB', or“获得”.

  • Magnitude— Magnitude values of the quantity specified in the MSI file, returned as a real vector of sizeN–by–1whereNis same size asthetaandphiangles.

  • Units— Units of the quantity specified in the MSI file, returned as one of the values:'dBi','dB','V/m','watts', or'dBd'.

  • Azimuth— Azimuth angles specified in the MSI file, returned as a scalar or a vector in degrees.

  • Elevation— Elevation angles specified in the MSI file, returned as a scalar or a vector in degrees.

  • Frequency— Frequency specified in the MSI file, returned as a scalar or a vector in Hertz.

  • Slice— Type of data set variation, returned as text. The variations are'Azimuth'or'Elevation'.

Vertical gain data, returned as a structure containing the following fields:

  • PhysicalQuantity— Quantity specified in the MSI file, returned as one of the values:'E-field','H-field','directivity','power','powerdB', or“获得”.

  • Magnitude— Magnitude values of the quantity specified in the MSI file, returned as a real vector of sizeN–by–1whereNis same size asthetaandphiangles.

  • Units— Units of the quantity specified in the MSI file, returned as one of the values:'dBi','dB','V/m','watts', or'dBd'.

  • Azimuth— Azimuth angles specified in the MSI file, returned as a scalar or a vector in degrees.

  • Elevation— Elevation angles specified in the MSI file, returned as a scalar or a vector in degrees.

  • Frequency— Frequency specified in the MSI file, returned as a scalar or a vector in Hertz.

  • Slice— Type of data set variation, returned as text. The variations areAzimuthorElevation.

Additional data, returned as a structure containing (but not limited to):Name,Make,Frequency,H_width,V_width,Front_to_back,Gain,Tilt,Polarization,Comment.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a