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Write data in MSI planet antenna file format


msiwrite(fname,dataslice1,dataslice2)writes the data from structuresdataSlice1anddataSlice2to an MSI planet antenna file calledfname.

msiwrite(fname,dataslice1,dataslice2,optional)writes the data from structuresdataSlice1,dataSlice2, andoptionalto an MSI planet antenna file calledfname.

msiwrite(objname,frequency,fname)writes calculated data of an antenna or array object at a specified frequency to an MSI planet antenna file calledfname.


msiwrite(objname,frequency,fname,Name,Value)uses additional options specified by one or moreName,Valuepair arguments.


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Create a helix antenna and plot the elevation pattern at 2 GHz.

h = helix; patternElevation(h,2e9,[0 45 90],'Elevation',0:1:360);


Write the elevation pattern of the helix antenna in an MSI Planet Antenna file.

msiwrite(h,2e9,'helix','Name','Helix Antenna Specifications')

The msiwrite function saves a file namedhelix.plnto the default MATLAB™ folder.

NAME Helix Antenna Specifications FREQUENCY 2000.0 GAIN 8.74 dBi HORIZONTAL 360 0.00 13.56 1.00 13.48 2.00 13.39 3.00 13.30 4.00 13.22 5.00 13.13

Read the MSI antenna data file created.

ans =struct with fields:PhysicalQuantity: 'Gain' Magnitude: [360x1 double] Units: 'dBi' Azimuth: [360x1 double] Elevation: 0 Frequency: 2.0000e+09 Slice: 'Elevation'

Input Arguments

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Name of MSI file, specified as a character vector. By default,msiwritewrites the MSI planet antenna file that has a.plnformat.

Horizontal or vertical gain data, specified as a structure containing the following fields:

  • PhysicalQuantity— Measured quantity in the MSI file:E-field,H-field,directivity,power,powerdB, or,gain.

  • Magnitude— Magnitude values of the measured quantity.

  • Units— Units of the measured quantity.

  • Azimuth— Azimuth angles.

  • Elevation— Elevation angles.

  • Frequency— Frequency of operation.

  • Slice— Type of data set variation:Azimuth, orElevation.

Horizontal or vertical gain data, specified as a structure containing the following fields:

  • PhysicalQuantity— Measured quantity in the MSI file:E-field,H-field,directivity,power,powerdB, or,gain.

  • Magnitude— Magnitude values of the measure quantity.

  • Units— Units of the measured quantity.

  • Azimuth— Azimuth angles.

  • Elevation— Elevation angles.

  • Frequency— Frequency of operation.

  • Slice— Type of data set variation:Azimuth, orElevation.

Additional data, specified as a structure containing the following fields:Name,Make,Frequency,H_width,V_width,Front_to_back,Gain,Tilt,Polarization,Comment.

Antenna or array object, specified as an antenna or array.

Frequency of operation of antenna or array object, specified as a positive numeric scalar.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments asName1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, whereNameis the argument name andValueis the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and encloseNamein quotes.

Example:'Comment','horn antenna'

Title of file in the first line, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'Name'and a character vector.

Example:'Name','Designed Helix Antenna in MATLAB'

Data Types:char

Comments about an antenna or array data file, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'Comment'and a character array.

Example:'Comment','This antenna is for space simulations.'

Data Types:char


Introduced in R2016a