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Change group name in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow



editGroupName(ldc,oldname,newname)changes the group name fromoldnametonewname. This function changes the group name in all the label definitions that have theoldname.


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Create an emptylabelDefinitionCreatorMultisignalobject.

ldc = labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal;

Add labels named'Car'and'Truck'in a group named'Vehicle'.

addLabel(ldc,'Car',labelType.Rectangle,'Group','Vehicle'); addLabel(ldc,'Truck',labelType.Rectangle,'Group','Vehicle');

Change the'Vehicle'group name'FourWheeler'.


Display the details of the updatedlabelDefinitionCreatorMultisignalobject.

ldc = labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal contains the following labels: Car with 0 sublabels and 0 attributes and belongs to FourWheeler group. (info) Truck with 0 sublabels and 0 attributes and belongs to FourWheeler group. (info) For more details about attributes and sublabels, use the info method.

Input Arguments

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Label definition creator for the multisignal workflow, specified as alabelDefinitionCreatorMultisignalobject.

Old group name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that uniquely identifies group name you want to modify.

New group name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that uniquely identifies the new group name.

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