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Linear combination of color channels


Y= imapplymatrix(M,X)computes the linear combination of the rows ofMwith the color channels ofX.

Y= imapplymatrix(M,X,C)computes the linear combination of the rows ofMwith the color channels ofX, adding the corresponding constant valueCto each combination.


Y= imapplymatrix(___,output_type)returns the result of the linear combination in an array of typeoutput_type.


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This example shows how to create a grayscale image by computing the linear combination of three colors channels.

Read a truecolor image into the workspace.

RGB = imread('peppers.png');

Create a coefficient matrix

M = [0.30, 0.59, 0.11];

Compute the linear combination of the RGB channels using the coefficient matrix.

gray = imapplymatrix(M, RGB);

Display the original image and the grayscale conversion.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Weighting coefficients for each color channel, specified as aq-by-pnumeric array.pis the length of the third dimension ofX. In other words,p=size(X,3).qis in the range [1,p].

Input image, specified as anm-by-n-by-pnumeric array.

Constant to add to each channel during the linear combination, specified asq-element numeric vector, whereqis the number of rows inM.

Data Types:double

Output data type, specified as one of the following:'double','single',“uint8”,'uint16','uint32','int8','int16', or'int32'.

Data Types:char|string

Output Arguments

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Output image comprised of the linear combination of the rows ofMwith the color channels ofX, returned as a numeric array. Ifoutput_typeis not specified, the data type ofYis the same as the data type ofX.


Introduced in R2011b