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RF Toolbox

Design, model, and analyze networks of RF components

RF Toolbox™提供了设计,建模,分析和可视化射频(RF)组件网络的功能,对象和应用程序。您可以将RF工具箱用于无线通信,雷达和信号完整性项目。

With RF Toolbox you can build networks of RF components such as filters, transmission lines, amplifiers, and mixers. Components can be specified using measurement data, network parameters, or physical properties. You can calculate S-parameters, convert among S, Y, Z, ABCD, h, g, and T network parameters, and visualize RF data using rectangular and polar plots and Smith®Charts.

The RF Budget Analyzer app lets you analyze transmitters and receivers in terms of noise figure, gain, and IP3. You can generate SimRF™ testbenches and validate analytical results against circuit envelope simulations.

Using the rational function fitting method, you can build models of backplanes and interconnects, and export them as Simulink®blocks or as Verilog-A modules for SerDes design.

RF Toolbox provides functions to manipulate and automate RF measurement data analysis, including de-embedding, enforcing passivity, and computing group delay.


Learn the basics of RF Toolbox

Data Import

Touchstone data files, network parameter data entry, AMP files

Network Parameter Conversion

S-parameters; T, Y, Z, ABCD, hybrid, and hybrid-g parameters; common-mode, cross-mode, and differential-mode S-parameters

RF Network Construction

Networks of circuit objects, ladder filters, transmission lines

RF Analysis

Reflection coefficients, de-embedding, transfer functions, rational function fitting, VSWR, stability factors, passivity


Smith Charts, network parameter plots, data display

Data Export

Touchstone data files, AMP files, Verilog-A modules