
Robotics System Toolbox

Design and test algorithms for robotics applications

Robotics System Toolbox™ provides algorithms and hardware connectivity for developing autonomous robotics applications for ground vehicles, manipulators, and humanoid robots. Toolbox algorithms include path planning and path following for differential drive robots, scan matching, obstacle avoidance, and state estimation. For manipulator robots, the system toolbox includes algorithms for inverse kinematics, kinematic constraints, and dynamics using a rigid body tree representation.

The system toolbox provides an interface between MATLAB®and Simulink®and the Robot Operating System (ROS) that enables you to test and verify applications on ROS-enabled robots and robot simulators such as Gazebo. It includes examples showing how to work with virtual robots in Gazebo and with actual ROS-enabled robots.

Robotics System Toolbox supports C++ code generation, enabling you to generate a ROS node from a Simulink model and deploy it to a ROS network. Support for Simulink External Mode lets you view signals and change parameters while your deployed model is running.


Learn the basics of Robotics System Toolbox

Coordinate System Transformations

Units, coordinate conversion functions

Robot Operating System (ROS)

Access ROS networks, robots, and simulators

Sensor Data

Collect and analyze sensor data utilizing ROS messages

Ground Vehicle Algorithms

Map utilization, path planning, path following, state estimation

Manipulator Algorithms

Inverse kinematics and dynamics for rigid body tree robot representations

Code Generation

Generate C/C++ code and MEX functions for algorithm acceleration and standalone ROS nodes

Robotics System Toolbox Supported Hardware

Support for third-party hardware

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