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Retrieve information about ROS messages and message types


rosmsg showmsgtypereturns the definition of themsgtypemessage.

rosmsg md5msgtypereturns the MD5 checksum of themsgtypemessage.

rosmsg listreturns all available message types that you can use in MATLAB®.


msginfo= rosmsg("show",msgtype)returns the definition of themsgtypemessage as a character vector.


msgmd5= rosmsg("md5",msgtype)returns the ‘MD5’ checksum of themsgtypemessage as a character vector.

msglist= rosmsg("list")returns a cell array containing all available message types that you can use in MATLAB.


collapse all

msgInfo = rosmsg('show','geometry_msgs/Point')
msgInfo = '% This contains the position of a point in free space double X double Y double Z '
msgMd5 = rosmsg('md5','geometry_msgs/Point')
msgMd5 = '4a842b65f413084dc2b10fb484ea7f17'

Input Arguments

collapse all

ROS message type, specified as a character vector.msgTypemust be a valid ROS message type from ROS that MATLAB supports.


Output Arguments

collapse all

Details of the information inside the ROS message definition, returned as a character vector.

MD5 checksum hash value, returned as a character vector. The MD5 output is a character vector representation of the 16-byte hash value that follows the MD5 standard.

List of all message types available in MATLAB, returned as a cell array of character vectors.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b