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Lengths and Angles


On a perfect sphere, the distance between points on the surface of the sphere can be represented by angles. For spherical models of the Earth, Moon, and other planetary bodies, Mapping Toolbox™ allows spherical distance conversion between common units of angles and length.


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Convert Degrees and Radians

deg2rad Convert angle from degrees to radians
rad2deg Convert angle from radians to degrees

Convert Notations

degrees2dm 将学位转换为学位
degrees2dms 将学位转换为学位-seconds
DM2Degrees Convert degrees-minutes to degrees
dms2degrees Convert degrees-minutes-seconds to degrees

Convert Degrees and Radians at Run-Time

toDegrees Convert angles to degrees
托拉德人 Convert angles to radians
源自数字 Convert angles from degrees
fromRadians 从弧度转换角度
wrapTo180 包角的度(-180 180)
wrapTo360 Wrap angle in degrees to [0 360]
wrapToPi Wrap angle in radians to [−pi pi]
wrapTo2Pi 在弧度上缠绕到[0 2*pi]
unwrapMultipart Unwrap angles with parts separated byNaN
km2nm Convert kilometers to nautical miles
km2sm Convert kilometers to statute miles
nm2km Convert nautical miles to kilometers
nm2sm Convert nautical to statute miles
sm2km 转换statute miles to kilometers
sm2nm 转换statute to nautical miles
deg2km 将球形距离从学位转换为公里
deg2nm Convert spherical distance from degrees to nautical miles
deg2sm Convert spherical distance from degrees to statute miles
km2deg Convert spherical distance from kilometers to degrees
km2rad Convert spherical distance from kilometers to radians
nm2deg Convert spherical distance from nautical miles to degrees
nm2rad Convert spherical distance from nautical miles to radians
rad2km Convert spherical distance from radians to kilometers
rad2nm Convert spherical distance from radians to nautical miles
rad2sm Convert spherical distance from radians to statute miles
sm2deg Convert spherical distance from statute miles to degrees
sm2rad Convert spherical distance from statute miles to radians
str2angle 将字符串转换为程度
angl2str Convert angles to character array
map.geodesy.isDegree True if input matches'degree'and false if'radian'
validateLengthUnit 验证和标准化长度单元
unitsratio Conversion factor between units




  • Length and Distance Units

Spherical Distance

  • Distances on the Sphere
    You can represent distances on the sphere using angles or linear arc lengths.
  • Relationship Between Points on Sphere
    There are many ways to define the 2-D spatial relationship between two points on a perfect sphere, including azimuth, heading, spherical distance, linear distance, and range.