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Revisiting the Game of Life

I am addicted. I keep coming back to John Conway's Game of Life. Years ago, I wrote a chapter about Life inMatlab的实验。我开始博客后不久,我写了一系列关于生活的三部分系列。Part 1Part 2Part 3。我最近取得了显著增强my MATLAB program for Life. I never seem to finish the code because I get diverted by actually using the program to explore the Universe. I invite you to join me. But, fair warning, you might become addicted too....続きを読む>>

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教导新人关于教学小学对深层学习者 3.

Two months ago I wrote a blog post about教学结石到深层学习者。我们在暹罗年会的Mathworks Booth中为该帖子的代码写了一下。那天早些时候,在他邀请的谈话期间,麻省理工学院吉尔斯特朗教授自发地想知道是否有可能向深度学习计算机程序教练微积分。展位上的我们都不是深度学习的专家....続きを読む>>

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