
Scientific computing, math & more

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Results for: 2018


我上瘾了。我一直回到约翰康威的生活比赛。几年前,我写了一章关于生活的章节Experiments with MATLAB。I wrote a three-part series about Life shortly after I started blogging.第1部分,第2部分,第3部分。我最近对我的Matlab计划为生命做出了重大的增强。我似乎从不完成代码,因为我通过实际使用该计划来探索宇宙来转移。我邀请你加入我。但是,公平的警告,你可能也沉迷于 more >>

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Teaching a Newcomer About Teaching Calculus to a Deep Learner 3

两个月前,我写了一个关于一个博客帖子Teaching Calculus to a Deep Learner。We wrote the code for that post in one afternoon in the MathWorks booth at the SIAM Annual Meeting. Earlier that day, during his invited talk, MIT Professor Gil Strang had spontaneously wondered if it would possible to teach calculus to a deep learning computer program. None of us in the booth were experts in deep more >>

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