


Today’s guest post is bySwarooph Seshadri。Swarooph是Mathworks与Ecocar流动性挑战的联络人,旨在教育下一代汽车工程师。


学生比赛有一个独特的问题hing students, real-world concepts to be successful in a professional environment, such as project management, communication, teamwork etc. A brand-new student competition, the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge, aims to do just that. The following video gives you some more information about the competition.


The Advanced Vehicle Technology competitions series has been running for 30 years now and consists of several recognizable competitions such asHEV Challenge,,,,Futuretruck,,,,ChallengeX最近Ecocar一系列比赛。该计划的目的是向潜在的工程,业务和沟通学生提供现实世界中的培训,以在汽车行业毕业并继续从事职业职业。该计划看到了政府,行业和学术机构的独特融合,为竞争参与者带来了宝贵的观点和经验。ECOCAR移动性挑战是该系列中的最新竞争,并发誓要探索前沿汽车技术。


The EcoCAR Mobility Challenge will be a 4-year competition starting in the fall of 2018. One of the big advantages of having a multi-year competition is that the student competition teams must account for real-world team issues such as people turning over from one year to another, knowledge transfer, and milestones management. Teams attend workshop sessions where organizers/sponsors train teams in tools and processes to help them to succeed for the year. Final events are held in summer every year where winners are declared.

传统上,ECOCAR专注于从常规汽油车制造混合动力车。例如,在ECOCAR 3中,团队的任务是转换雪佛兰Camarointo a hybrid sports car, where performance of the vehicle was maintained or improved while providing better fuel economy than the stock vehicle. The competition also had its first Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) track where students implemented forward collision warning systems using a variety of sensors such as camera, radar and lidar.

在下面的视频中查看ECOCAR 3年4年的回顾:

新的竞争,Ecocar Mobility Challenge,将此提升到一个新的水平。学生仍将被介绍给混合动力汽车技术,这次改变了捐赠Chevrolet Blazer。他们还将专注于使用多个传感器来仪器,以实现连接和自动化的车辆(CAV)功能,例如自适应巡航控制和智能车道更换。实施这些的主要目标SAE level 2 automation具有车辆连通性的功能是看到它们对减少燃油消耗的影响。这些团队将以共享服务(MAAS)市场为目标,该市场已在行业中吸引了新的运输业务模式。这是类似的汽车共享场景Maven驾驶员租用的汽车租金仅在使用服务的时间而不是直接拥有汽车的时间。

Design Philosophy

学生将使用基于模型的设计。为了帮助这项努力,数学工程师与通用汽车工程师紧密合作,开发了一种植物模拟模型,该模型代表使用雪佛兰西装外套使用Powertrain Blockset


图1Hybrid Electric Vehicle P2 Reference Applicationfrom Powertrain Blockset


Automated Driving System Toolboxaids the student teams to design and verify their perception algorithms for the CAV tasks. Simulation features such as the驾驶场景设计师are essential to testing these algorithms and make sure edge cases don’t fall through. Teams will also be looking at usingVehicle Dynamics Blockset设计/测试时,横向控制算法成为焦点。

图3Adaptive Cruise Control With Sensor FusionExample Model from Automated Driving System Toolbox


As a part of the sponsorship, MathWorks provides complimentary software licenses, mentor support, and technical training to all teams.



  1. 科罗拉多州立大学
  2. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
  3. Georgia Institute of Technology
  4. McMaster University
  5. 密西西比州立大学
  6. Ohio State University
  7. University of Alabama
  8. 田纳西大学
  9. 华盛顿大学
  10. 滑铁卢大学
  11. 弗吉尼亚理工学院和州立大学
  12. West Virginia University


如果您在这些大学中的任何一个,reach out to your university’s EcoCAR teamto get more information on how to participate! EcoCAR is the premier environment to learn hands on skills for future automotive engineers, aided by the government, industry, and academia together.

跟随the EcoCAR Mobility Challengeon your favorite social media platform for the latest updates:


