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Network Analysis and Visualization

Apply basic graph theory algorithms to Protein-Protein Interactions (PPI) and other gene networks; view network relationships using interactive maps, hierarchy plots, and pathways

Use various graph algorithms to analyze gene networks and protein-protein interactions. Represent different types of graphs using sparse matrices. Visualize graphs and network relationships using thebiographobject which lets you calculate the position of nodes, draw the graph, and find relations between nodes.


graphallshortestpaths (To be removed) Find all shortest paths in graph
graphconncomp (To be removed) Find strongly or weakly connected components in graph
graphisdag (To be removed) Test for cycles in directed graph
graphisomorphism (To be removed) Find isomorphism between two graphs
graphisspantree (To be removed) Determine if tree is spanning tree
graphmaxflow (To be removed) Calculate maximum flow in directed graph
graphminspantree (To be removed) Find minimal spanning tree in graph
graphpred2path (To be removed) Convert predecessor indices to paths
graphshortestpath (To be removed) Solve shortest path problem in graph
graphtopoorder (To be removed) Perform topological sort of directed acyclic graph
graphtraverse (To be removed) Traverse graph by following adjacent nodes


biograph (To be removed) Create biograph object
biograph object (To be removed) Data structure containing generic interconnected data used to implement directed graph


  • Graph Theory Functions

    Graph theory functions in the Bioinformatics Toolbox™ apply basic graph theory algorithms to sparse matrices.