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Spline Postprocessing

Evaluate splines, plot, find minimum or zero-crossings, integrate or differentiate

After fitting a spline, use postprocessing methods to analyze if the fit to the data is accurate.

Use Curve Fitting Toolbox™ functions to perform tasks such as plotting, evaluating, or calculating derivatives, integrals, and differences between splines.


fn2fm Convert to specified form
fnbrk Name and part(s) of form
fnchg Change part(s) of form
fncmb Arithmetic with function(s)
fnder Differentiate function
fndir Directional derivative of function
fnint Integrate function
fnjmp Jumps, i.e., f(x+)-f(x-)
fnmin Minimum of function in given interval
fnplt Plot function
fnrfn Refine partition of form
fntlr Taylor coefficients
fnval Evaluate spline function
fnxtr Extrapolate spline
fnzeros Roots of spline
franke Franke's bivariate test function
spterms Explain spline terms
titanium Titanium test data


  • Postprocessing Splines

    After constructing a spline, use postprocessing functions for tasks such as plotting, evaluating, or calculating derivatives, integrals and differences between splines.