



similarity= jaccard(BW1,BW2)computes the intersection of binary imagesBW1BW2除以联合BW1BW2, also known as the Jaccard index. The images can be binary images, label images, or categorical images.


similarity= jaccard(L1,L2)计算农协ccard index for each label in label imagesL1L2.

similarity= jaccard(C1,C2)计算农协ccard index for each category in categorical imagesC1C2.


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Read an image containing an object to segment. Convert the image to grayscale, and display the result.

A = imread('hands.jpg');I = rgb2gray(A); figure imshow(I) title('Original Image')

Use the active contours (snakes) method to segment the hand.

mask = false(size(i));蒙版(25:End-25,25:End-25)= true;bw = activeContour(i,mask,300);

Read in the ground truth against which to compare the segmentation.

bw_groundTruth = imread('hands1 mask.png');

Compute the Jaccard index of this segmentation.

相似性= jaccard(bw,bw_groundTruth);

Display the masks on top of each other. Colors indicate differences in the masks.

figure imshowpair(BW, BW_groundTruth) title(['jaccard index ='num2str(相似性)])

This example shows how to segment an image into multiple regions. The example then computes the Jaccard similarity coefficient for each region.

Read in an image with several regions to segment.

rgb = imread('yellowlily.jpg');


region1 = [350 700 425 120];% [x y w h] formatbw1 = false(size(rgb,1),大小(RGB,2));BW1(区域1(2):区域1(2)+区域1(4),区域1(1):区域1(1)+区域1(3))= true;区域2 = [800 1124 120 230];bw2 = false(size(rgb,1),大小(RGB,2));BW2(区域2(2):区域2(2)+区域2(4),区域2(1):region2(1)+reignes2(3))= true;区域3 = [20 1320 480 200;1010 290 180 240];bw3 = false(size(rgb,1),大小(RGB,2));BW3(区域3(1,2):区域3(1,2)+区域3(1,4),区域3(1,1):区域3(1,1)+区域3(1,3))= true;BW3(区域3(2,2):区域3(2,2)+区域3(2,4),区域3(2,1):区域3(2,1)+区域3(2,3))= true;

Display the seed regions on top of the image.

图IMShow(RGB)保持visboundaries(BW1,'颜色','r');visboundaries(BW2,'颜色','g');visboundaries(BW3,'颜色','b');标题('Seed Regions')


L = imseggeodesic(RGB,BW1,BW2,BW3,'AdaptiveChannelWeighting',true);

Load a ground truth segmentation of the image.

l_groundTruth = double(imread(imread)('yellowlily-segmented.png'));

Visually compare the segmentation results with the ground truth.

figure imshowpair(label2rgb(L),label2rgb(L_groundTruth),'montage') 标题('Comparison of Segmentation Results (Left) and Ground Truth (Right)')

Compute the Jaccard similarity index (IoU) for each segmented region.

相似性= jaccard(l,l_groundTruth)
similarity =3×10.8861 0.5683 0.8414


Input Arguments

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Data Types:logical


Data Types:logical


Data Types:double


Data Types:double

第一个分类图像,指定为分类大批of any dimension.

Data Types:类别

Second categorical image, specified as a分类大批of the same size asC1.

Data Types:类别

Output Arguments

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Jaccard similarity coefficient, returned as a numeric scalar or numeric vector with values in the range [0, 1]. Asimilarityof 1 means that the segmentations in the two images are a perfect match. If the input arrays are:

  • 二进制图像,similarityis a scalar.

  • label images,similarityis a vector, where the first coefficient is the Jaccard index for label 1, the second coefficient is the Jaccard index for label 2, and so on.

  • 分类images,similarityis a vector, where the first coefficient is the Jaccard index for the first category, the second coefficient is the Jaccard index for the second category, and so on.

Data Types:double

More About

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Jaccard相似性系数两组AB(also known as intersection over union or IoU) is expressed as:

雅卡德(A,B) = |intersection(A,B) | / |union(A,B) |

哪里|A|代表集合的基础A. The Jaccard index can also be expressed in terms of true positives (TP), false positives (FP) and false negatives (FN) 作为:

雅卡德(A,B) =TP/ (TP+FP+FN)


雅卡德(A,B) =骰子(A,B) / (2 -骰子(A,B))

See Also


Introduced in R2017b