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Ibeo data container (IDC) file reader


AnibeoLidarReaderobject stores lidar data present in an Ibeo data container (IDC) file. The IDC file is captured by Ibeo lidar sensors. The object function,readMessages, uses the object properties to read Ibeo FUSION SYSTEM or ECU scan data and Ibeo point cloud plane data from IDC files. Ibeo Automotive Systems is a manufacturer of lidar sensor-based devices. The data captured by these devices is stored in IDC files.

The reader currently supports message data types0x2205and0x7510in IDC files. These data types represent the Ibeo FUSION SYSTEM or ECU scan data and Ibeo point cloud plane data, respectively.



ibeoReader= ibeoLidarReader(文件名)creates anibeoLidarReaderobject that reads metadata from an IDC file. The文件名input sets theFileNameproperty.


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This property is read-only.

Name of the IDC file, stored as a character vector or string scalar.

This property is read-only.

List of supported message types available in the IDC file, stored as a string scalar or as a vector of strings. The possible values of this property are"Scan","PointCloudPlane", or a vector containing both.

This property is read-only.

Total number of supported messages available in the IDC file, stored as a positive integer.

This property is read-only.

Information on supported messages, stored as atableobject.

MessageType DataType Description NumMessages TimeStamps
"Scan" "0x2205" "Ibeo FUSION SYSTEM/ECU scan data" 30 30-by-1datetimearrays
"PointCloudPlane" "0x7510" "Ibeo point cloud plane" 40 40-by-1datetimearrays

  • MessageType— Type of message.

  • DataType— Data type of message.

  • Description— Message data description.

  • NumMessages— Number of messages available in the file.

  • TimeStamps— Timestamp values for each message in the file, stored as aNumMessages-element column vector ofdatetimearrays.

Object Functions

readMessages Read Ibeo scan data and point cloud plane messages


Introduced in R2020b