Deep Learning



我很高兴地在伦敦科学博物馆(Science Museum)上撰写有关新展览的文章,其中包括MATLAB,以适用于自动驾驶汽车的深度学习。该展览名为“ Drimless:谁在控制?”(关联:探索AI系统在我们的日常生活中的存在,以及我们愿意转移给他们的控制,以及它们如何塑造我们的行为和社会。它具有多个展览,可让访客体验参与创建自动驾驶汽车的AI技术,包括汽车,无人机和船只。这不仅探讨了当前的技术,还探讨了过去和未来的AI创新。
数学工作is the principal sponsor of the exhibition and is thrilled to be involved with this project to educate and inspire visitors about autonomous technology and deep learning applications.

The Exhibition


The Code

当然,该团队用MATLAB编写的是Yolo V2作为对象探测器,训练了20多个各种物体,包括自行车,汽车和摩托车,以及其他一些类别,包括狗,马和绵羊!博物馆的访客可以举起以识别的物体,甚至可以从移动设备中使用自己的图像。
Here is a sample of code used to predict objects and visualize bounding boxes:
i =快照(相机);[盒子,分数] =检测(检测器,i);i =插入形状(i,'矩形',盒子);imshow(i);
Finally, here is the algorithm running:
Showing Object Detection in action: courtesy of Science Museum Group


  • The algorithm must run 8 hours per day, including automatically booting the demo when the museum opens every morning.
  • There were interesting considerations having to do with usability:
    • - The average height of the visitors: Both children and adults would want to interact with the display simultaneously, so it was determined to have the monitors face vertically to accommodate a wide range of heights.
    • - 您如何将预测的信心描述给不熟悉深度学习技巧的人?在科学博物馆工作人员的帮助下,确定了不是使用“信心”一词。取而代之的是“肯定”一词(如上图所示)遵循百分比。“ 99%肯定”是对非技术观众轻松理解的短语。
Q&A with MATLAB Team
这样的视觉系统将是无人驾驶汽车检测其周围环境的方式之一。该汽车将使用来自各种来源的信息 - 相机,传感器,GPS,在线通信 - 收集有关周围发生的事情的信息,并决定下一步要做什么。例如,汽车可能会使用GPS来确定其需要向左转,并使用视觉系统来确定何时安全。
2. What's next?
自动驾驶的研究领域有许多活跃领域。这里的想法之一是,我们利用双手,脚和眼睛开车。随着自主技术的不断发展,我们需要的这些要素就越少。事实证明,在半自治的汽车中,手,脚和眼睛也被认为是重要的,就像我们今天在某些车辆中所拥有的那样,但在完全自动的汽车中却不重要,例如我们仍然需要完全制造的汽车。(这是一篇论文for more information.)
我们在计算机视觉工具箱中使用了Yolo V2对象检测器网络来创建视觉系统。Yolo检测器在对象检测时非常快,因为它将视觉区域分为锚点的网格。该网络在每个锚点中寻找一个对象。如果发现一个足够良好的信心,则锚盒的大小和形状对于物体的边界框来说是一个很好的第一估计。最终的输出边界框是根据对象的中心所在的位置以及该锚框中的物体中的多少,从锚点进行完善。边界框有几种不同的尺寸和长宽比,具体取决于训练网络的对象的​​大小和形状。
认为# 1:是一个安全的和可靠的技术,a fully autonomous driving system needs to work in a many different situations and environments, such as different terrains, different times of day, and different traffic conditions. This requires a large amount of data in all possible scenarios – a autonomous driving system can’t reliably infer what to do is a totally new situation in the same way a human would be able to. We need to help the system by training it with data from lots and lots of real-world situations, so that it can make the right decisions. To do this, the data needs to be good quality, properly labelled and balanced to prevent biases against certain situations or populations. The quality of the data directly impacts the quality of the driving system. As well, there are lots of ethical issues involved in training a system that could potentially be dangerous to other vehicles and pedestrians. When an accident happens, there may be conflicting actions that a vehicle could take, and the autonomous driving system will have to weigh up the options in accordance with some moral principles that need to be coded into the system. Deciding on those principles will need a lot of thought and debate.
Thanks to the team for taking the time to speak with me about this interesting project. The exhibition opened June 12Thand will run until October 2020. If you’re in London, you should check it out!

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