Loren on the Art of MATLAB

Turn ideas into MATLAB


Loren on the Art of MATLAB已退休,不会更新。




We've even had commands available to help you identify what's going on, such as


Loren knew it was a good idea.


How does MATLAB decide, when it sees a name, whether to use a variable or which of several possible functions with the same name. MATLAB has rules of precedence, and always has. In Release R2019b, the优先规则were updated. In fact, many o f you were not affected because these changes are somewhat esoteric and are not encountered in lots of code. But when certain conditions occurred in the past, people occasionally got unexpected (from their mental model) behavior. We have tried to fix that with these updated rules. You can find the details in the release notes I noted here, or in these portions of the documentation.




An Example

Here are 3 files for one example. We start with the code from 19a or earlier.


functionmyfunc19a local(1);%本地是一个函数local = 2;disp(本地);endfunctionlocal(x) disp(x)end


functionmyfuncErr19b% local is an undefined variablelocal(1);%错误local = 2;disp(本地);endfunctionlocal(x) disp(x)end

And this code works fine. And would also have run correctly earlier.

functionmyfuncGood19b localFcn(1); local = 2; disp(local);endfunctionlocalFcn(x) disp(x)end

One More Notable Change with Anonymous Functions

This is another change with respect to function behavior, specifically anonymous functions. As of R2019b, anonymous functions can include both resolved and unresolved identifiers.

Who Wins?

Hoping we all win, by having cleaner, clearer code, from which we can access the elements (variables and functions) that we are looking for. Did anyone run into issues with this change in R2019b or later? If so, please let me know这里.

