

启动短裤 - 开发安全解决方案,用于使用Simulink摇摆有效载荷万博 尤文图斯万博1manbetx

Vita倾向推动了成立以来的使命; “to ensure a lack of technology, will never be the difference between life and death.” Inspired by the tragic outcome of a failed helicopter rescue and sparked out of a conversation between a student and his professor, the team has developed a system to stabilize swinging payloads. The technology can be applied to a range of dangerous industry applications including helicopter rescue operations, crane cargo loads, and forest fire fighting, all with the same end goal – to improve safety.

在不到十年的时间里,Vita团队不懈地努力从想法,原型到其系统的部署。在此功能视频中,Vita的CTO和联合创始人德里克·西科拉(Derek Sikora)深入了解了他们如何在Mathworks启动计划的支持下如何采用基于模型的设计进行开发。万博1manbetx


