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Create subtree from robot model


newSubtree= subtree(robot,bodyname)creates a new robot model using the parent name of the body specified bybodynameas the base name. All subsequently attached bodies (including the body withbodynamespecified) are added to the subtree. The originalrobotmodel is unaffected.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Robot model, specified as arigidBodyTreeobject.

Body name, specified as a string scalar or character vector. This body must be on the robot model specified inrobot.

Data Types:char|string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Robot subtree, returned as arigidBodyTreeobject. This new subtree uses the parent name of the body specified bybodynameas the base name. All bodies that are attached in the previous robot model (including the body withbodynamespecified) are added to the subtree.

Extended Capabilities


Introduced in R2016b