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Update values ofNaturalFrequencyandDampingRatioproperties given desired step response



updateErrorDynamicsFromStep(motionModel,settlingTime,overshoot)updates the values of theNaturalFrequencyandDampingRatioproperties of the givenjointSpaceMotionModelobject given the desired step response.

updateErrorDynamicsFromStep(motionModel,settlingTime,overshoot,jointIndex)updates theNaturalFrequencyandDampingRatioproperties for a specific joint. In this case, the values ofSettlingTimeandOvershootmust be provided as scalars because they apply to a single joint.


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This example shows how to create and use ajointSpaceMotionModelobject for a manipulator robot in joint-space.

Create the Robot

机器人= loadrobot ("kinovaGen3","DataFormat","column","Gravity",[0 0 -9.81]);

Set Up the Simulation

Set the timespan to be 1 s with a timestep size of 0.01 s. Set the initial state to be the robots, home configuration with a velocity of zero.

tspan = 0:0.01:1; initialState = [homeConfiguration(robot); zeros(7,1)];

Define the a reference state with a target position, zero velocity, and zero acceleration.

targetState = [pi/4; pi/3; pi/2; -pi/3; pi/4; -pi/4; 3*pi/4; zeros(7,1); zeros(7,1)];

Create the Motion Model

模型系统和计算转矩控制error dynamics defined by a moderately fast step response with 5% overshoot.

motionModel = jointSpaceMotionModel("RigidBodyTree",robot); updateErrorDynamicsFromStep(motionModel,.3,.05);

Simulate the Robot

Use the derivative function of the model as the input to theode45solver to simulate the behavior over 1 second.

[t,robotState] = ode45(@(t,state)derivative(motionModel,state,targetState),tspan,initialState);

Plot the Response

Plot the positions of all the joints actuating to their target state. Joints with a higher displacement between the starting position and the target position actuate to the target at a faster rate than those with a lower displacement. This leads to an overshoot, but all of the joints have the same settling time.

figure plot(t,robotState(:,1:motionModel.NumJoints)); holdall; plot(t,targetState(1:motionModel.NumJoints)*ones(1,length(t)),"--"); title("Joint Position (Solid) vs Reference (Dashed)"); xlabel("Time (s)") ylabel("Position (rad)");

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Joint Position (Solid) vs Reference (Dashed) contains 14 objects of type line.

Input Arguments

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ThejointSpaceMotionModelobject, which defines the properties of the motion model.

Settling time required to reach a 2% tolerance band in seconds, specified as a scalar or ann-element vector.nis the number of nonfixed joints in therigidBodyTreeof thejointSpaceMotionModelin themotionModelargument.

The overshoot relative to a unit step, specified as a scalar or ann-element vector.nis the number of nonfixed joints in therigidBodyTreeof thejointSpaceMotionModelin themotionModelargument.

The index of the joint for whichNaturalFrequencyandDampingRatiois updated given the unit-step error dynamics. In this case, settling time and overshoot must be specified as scalars.


[1] Ogata, Katsuhiko.Modern Control Engineering4th ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2002.

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Version History

Introduced in R2019b