
MATLAB and Simulink behind today’s news and trends


再一次,科学技术起到了重要role in some this year’s biggest stories. The Behind the Headlines blog covered many of these by explaining how MATLAB and Simulink were behind the scenes, helping engineers, scientists, and researchers innovate around the world. Here are our top ten stories of the year, based which posts our MATLAB users and STEM audiences read the most.

10. Machine learning to the rescue – When you just cannot hold still for an MRI


Image Credit: Washington University.

Image Credit: Washington University.

9. Star Trek-inspired solid-state airplane takes to the sky without moving parts


A general blueprint for an MIT plane propelled by ionic wind. The system may be used to propel small drones and even lightweight aircraft, as an alternative to fossil fuel propulsion. Image Credit: MIT Electric Aircraft Initiative.





Climate change came to life in some stunning, yet scary, climate visuals in story number seven.




6. Bug Brain Beats机器学习

Living organisms have long provided inspiration for technology, from the invention of Velcro (based on seed burs) to winged aircraft. The story at number six for 2018 shows how biomimicry is being extended to artificial intelligence (AI).




At number five, MIT’s new wireless communication technique tackles the issue of how sonar (used by submarines) and radar (used by planes and drones) can’t cross the air-water boundary. MIT designed a new system which transmits a sonar signal directly to the water’s surface. The signal causes small vibrations at the surface. A highly-sensitive millimeter wave receiver reads and decodes the tiny disturbances, converting sonar directly to radar. It lets planes and drones monitor the water’s surface for incoming messages from subs and underwater drones.


根据IEEE光谱“现在,麻省理工学院的一个团队已经开发了一种技术,可以使水下源直接与表面上方的接收者进行通信。它对潜艇不仅有用 - 在水上探索和海洋保护也可能受益。”

4. Microscope creates first-ever 3D video of living cells inside the body using MATLAB

What do you get when you combine state-of-the-art microscopy with a technique used by astronomers to get a clear view of celestial objects through atmospheric turbulence? You get a new form of microscopy that lets you see stunning 3D movies of cells deep within living systems. For example, the video clip below shows a cancer cell (in green) invading a blood vessel (purple). Check out the whole blog post to see more amazing images captured by the AO-LLS microscope developed by physicist Eric Betzig and a team of researchers from Harvard University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

图片来源:T。Liu等人/Science 2018


The story that occupies the third sport in 2018 is about an amazing kid! At age 2, Zion Harvey had his hands amputated due to a life-threatening infection. At age 8, he was the first child to receive a double hand transplant. U.S. News and World Report stated, “Now he’s gaining notoriety for another milestone: the way his brain reorganized itself in response to the amputation and transplantation.”

九岁的锡安·哈维(Zion Harvey)在巴尔的摩金莺队(Baltimore Orioles)比赛中抛出了第一个球场。图片来源:NBC新闻 / Gail Burton / AP

Researchers utilized a non-invasive neuroimaging technique to collect data on how Zion’s brain reacted to stimuli on his new hands and then used头脑风暴to perform data analysis for this study. They found his brain was re-learning to feel sensations in his hands.


The second most popular post in 2018 shared a newly-developed imaging algorithm that uses laser pulses to see objects that aren’t in the line of sight. Stanford University’s system can detect objects, in 3D, that are hidden behind walls and around corners. The system uses an algorithm, created with MATLAB, that computationally reconstructs objects hidden from view.

Image credit: Stanford Computational Imaging Lab.

1. The laurel vs. yanny debate… Did someone tamper with the sound file?

The top story for 2018 wasn’t关于科学或技术,而是如何科学技术可以找到世界(不是)关键问题的答案。当其他人显然听到“ Yanny”时,为什么有些人听到“月桂树”?



如果您喜欢“头条新闻”,请查看这些故事关于我们客户正在研究的一些研究和产品。s manbetx 845来自乌干达最近的一群毕业生解决肺炎误诊问题这声称在他们的国家中有很多儿童的生活,如何农民正在转向AI为了提高生产和养活我们地球不断增长的人口,这些故事分享了科学技术如何在全球产生影响。

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