


Welcome to the MATLAB Central Simulink blog! The purpose of this blog is twofold: First, I want to share Simulink tips and tricks that I've learned over the years. At the same time, I hope to learn from you about your experiences with Simulink. Where is it good? How can we improve it?

I've been using Simulink for 9 years, first as a member of our technical support team, and then as a trainer. I still remember when I first learned about the power of Simulink as a newly hired support engineer back in 1998. During a training class I saw differential equations drawn on a whiteboard and then simulated with a few clicks of the mouse. I got excited by how clearly it all worked. Simulink provided me with a framework for thinking about systems and the relationships between their basic components.


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If you have to run a sweep of parameters you might change the parameter and then click run, change it again and click run. But if you have to run hundreds or thousands of simulations while modifying a parameter you will want to write a script for batch simulation. You can run simulations directly from MATLAB with thesimcommand like so.

>> [t,x,y] = sim(sys);

This returns the root level outputs (y) and the internal states of the model (x) at each recorded time step (t). A batch script might look like this:

open_system('vdp_mu') muSweep = .5:.1:1.5;fori = 1:length(muSweep) mu = muSweep(i); [t,x,y] = sim('vdp_mu');plot(t,y); hold;end标题('VDP States for mu=.5 to 1.5')xlabel('Time');传奇('x1','x2')

If you are already familiar with thesim命令,然后您可能知道,有时您只对模型的输出(y)感兴趣,而不是状态(x)。对于大型模型或长期模拟,这些状态可变输出可能是浪费宝贵的内存。使用simset您可以为simcommand to specify that you only want time (t) and outputs (y). The state variable returned fromsim将是空的。

[t,x,y] = sim('vdp_mu',[],simset('OutputVariables','ty')); whostxy
名称大小字节类属性t 206x1 1648 double x 0x0 0 double y 206x2 3296 double

You can learn more aboutsimsimsetin the Simulink documentation


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Published with MATLAB® 7.5

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