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Multiple, pairwise, and profile sequence alignments using dynamic programming algorithms; BLAST searches and alignments; standard and custom scoring matrices

Compare nucleotide or amino acid sequences using pairwise or multiple sequence alignment functions. Standard algorithms for pairwise alignments include Needleman-Wunsch (nwalign) and Smith-Waterman (swalign) algorithms. You can also perform multiple sequence alignment using various functions, such asmultialignandprofalign, and visualize the alignment results in the序列比对app. In addition, you can use a hidden Markov model (HMM) to align a query sequence to an HMM profile. Perform BLAST searches against known sequences in online databases using various BLAST programs.


序列比对 Visualize and edit multiple sequence alignments


localalign Return local optimal and suboptimal alignments between two sequences
nwalign Globally align two sequences using Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
swalign Locally align two sequences using Smith-Waterman algorithm
seqdotplot Create dot plot of two sequences
seqpdist Calculate pairwise distance between sequences
seqalignviewer Visualize and edit multiple sequence alignment
multialign Align multiple sequences using progressive method
profalign Align two profiles using Needleman-Wunsch global alignment
seqconsensus Calculate consensus sequence
seqprofile Calculate sequence profile from set of multiply aligned sequences
seqlogo Display sequence logo for nucleotide or amino acid sequences
hmmprofalign Align query sequence to profile using hidden Markov model alignment
hmmprofestimate Estimate profile hidden Markov model (HMM) parameters using pseudocounts
hmmprofgenerate Generate random sequence drawn from profile hidden Markov model (HMM)
hmmprofmerge Displays a set of HMM profile alignments
hmmprofstruct Create or edit hidden Markov model (HMM) profile structure
showhmmprof Plot hidden Markov model (HMM) profile
blastncbi Create remote NCBI BLAST report request ID or link to NCBI BLAST report
blosum Return BLOSUM scoring matrix
dayhoff 返回Dayhoff得分矩阵
gonnet Return Gonnet scoring matrix
nuc44 Return NUC44 scoring matrix for nucleotide sequences
pam Return Point Accepted Mutation (PAM) scoring matrix
