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RunMATLABFunctions on a GPU

MATLABFunctions with gpuArray Arguments

Hundreds of functions in MATLAB®and other toolboxes run automatically on a GPU if you supply agpuArrayargument.

A = gpuArray([1 0 1; -1 -2 0; 0 1 -1]); e = eig(A);

Whenever you call any of these functions with at least one gpuArray as a data input argument, the function executes on the GPU. The function generates a gpuArray as the result, unless returning MATLAB data is more appropriate (for example,size). You can mix inputs using both gpuArray and MATLAB arrays in the same function call. To learn more about when a function runs on GPU or CPU, seeSpecial Conditions for gpuArray Inputs. GPU-enabled functions include the discrete Fourier transform (fft), matrix multiplication (mtimes), left matrix division (mldivide), and hundreds of others. For more information, seeCheck GPU-Supported Functions.

Check GPU-Supported Functions

If a MATLAB function has support for gpuArrays, you can consult additional GPU usage information on its function page. SeeGPU Arraysin theExtended Capabilitiessection at the end of the function page.


For a filtered list of MATLAB functions that support GPU arrays, seeFunction List (GPU-arrays).

Several MATLAB toolboxes include functions with built-in GPU support. To view lists of all functions in these toolboxes that support gpuArrays, use the links in the following table. Functions in the lists with warning indicators have limitations or usage notes specific to running the function on a GPU. You can check the usage notes and limitations in the Extended Capabilities section of the function reference page. For information about updates to individual GPU-enabled functions, see the release notes.

Toolbox name List of functions with gpuArray support GPU-specific documentation
MATLAB Functions with gpuArray support
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ Functions with gpuArray support(Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox)
Image Processing Toolbox™ Functions with gpuArray support(Image Processing Toolbox) GPU Computing(Image Processing Toolbox)
Deep Learning Toolbox™

Functions with gpuArray support(Deep Learning Toolbox)

*(see alsoDeep Learning with GPUs)

Computer Vision Toolbox™ Functions with gpuArray support(Computer Vision Toolbox) GPU Code Generation and Acceleration(Computer Vision Toolbox)
Communications Toolbox™ Functions with gpuArray support(Communications Toolbox) Code Generation and Acceleration Support(Communications Toolbox)
Signal Processing Toolbox™ Functions with gpuArray support(Signal Processing Toolbox) Code Generation and GPU Support(Signal Processing Toolbox)
Audio Toolbox™ Functions with gpuArray support(Audio Toolbox) Code Generation and GPU Support(Audio Toolbox)
Wavelet Toolbox™ Functions with gpuArray support(Wavelet Toolbox) Code Generation and GPU Support(Wavelet Toolbox)
Curve Fitting Toolbox™ Functions with gpuArray support(Curve Fitting Toolbox)

You can browse GPU-supported functions from all MathWorks®products at the following link:GPU-supported functions. Alternatively, you can filter by product. On theHelpbar, clickFunctions. In the function list, browse the left pane to select a product, for example, MATLAB. At the bottom of the left pane, selectGPU Arrays. If you select a product that does not have GPU-enabled functions, then theGPU Arraysfilter is not available.

Deep Learning with GPUs

For many functions in Deep Learning Toolbox, GPU support is automatic if you have a suitable GPU and Parallel Computing Toolbox™. You do not need to convert your data to gpuArray. The following is a non-exhaustive list of functions that, by default, run on the GPU if available.

For more information about automatic GPU-support in Deep Learning Toolbox, seeDeep Learning with Big Data on GPUs and in Parallel(Deep Learning Toolbox).

For advanced networks and workflows that use networks defined asdlnetwork(Deep Learning Toolbox)objects or model functions, convert your data to gpuArray. Usefunctions with gpuArray support(Deep Learning Toolbox)to run custom training loops or prediction on the GPU.

Check or Select a GPU

If you have a GPU, then MATLAB automatically uses it for GPU computations. You can check your GPU using thegpuDevicefunction. If you have multiple GPUs, then you can usegpuDeviceto select one of them, or use multiple GPUs with a parallel pool. For an example, seeIdentify and Select a GPUandUse Multiple GPUs in a Parallel Pool. To check if your GPU is supported, seeGPU Support by Release.

For deep learning, MATLAB provides automatic parallel support for multiple GPUs. SeeDeep Learning with MATLAB on Multiple GPUs(Deep Learning Toolbox).

Use MATLAB Functions with a GPU

This example shows how to use GPU-enabled MATLAB functions to operate with gpuArrays. You can check the properties of your GPU using thegpuDevicefunction.

ans = CUDADevice with properties: Name: 'GeForce GTX 1080' Index: 1 ComputeCapability: '6.1' SupportsDouble: 1 DriverVersion: 10.1000 ToolkitVersion: 10.1000 MaxThreadsPerBlock: 1024 MaxShmemPerBlock: 49152 MaxThreadBlockSize: [1024 1024 64] MaxGridSize: [2.1475e+09 65535 65535] SIMDWidth: 32 TotalMemory: 8.5899e+09 AvailableMemory: 6.9012e+09 MultiprocessorCount: 20 ClockRateKHz: 1733500 ComputeMode: 'Default' GPUOverlapsTransfers: 1 KernelExecutionTimeout: 1 CanMapHostMemory: 1 DeviceSupported: 1 DeviceSelected: 1

Create a row vector that repeats values from -15 to 15. To transfer it to the GPU and create a gpuArray, use thegpuArrayfunction.

X = [-15:15 0 -15:15 0 -15:15]; gpuX = gpuArray(X); whosgpuX
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes gpuX 1x95 4 gpuArray

To operate with gpuArrays, use any GPU-enabled MATLAB function. MATLAB automatically runs calculations on the GPU. For more information, seeRun MATLAB Functions on a GPU. For example, use a combination ofdiag,expm,mod,round,abs, andfliplr.

gpuE = expm(diag(gpuX,-1)) * expm(diag(gpuX,1)); gpuM = mod(round(abs(gpuE)),2); gpuF = gpuM + fliplr(gpuM);

Plot the results.

imagesc(gpuF); colormap(flip(gray));

If you need to transfer the data back from the GPU, usegather. Gathering back to the CPU can be costly, and is generally not necessary unless you need to use your result with functions that do not support gpuArray.

result = gather(gpuF); whosresult
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes result 96x96 73728 double

In general there can be differences in the results if you run the code on the CPU, due to numerical precision and algorithmic differences between GPU and CPU. Answers on CPU and GPU are both equally valid floating point approximations to the true analytical result, having been subjected to different roundoff during computation. In this example, the results are integers androundeliminates the roundoff errors.

Sharpen an Image Using the GPU

This example shows how to sharpen an image using gpuArrays and GPU-enabled functions.

Read the image, and send it to the GPU using thegpuArrayfunction.

image = gpuArray(imread('peppers.png'));

Convert the image to doubles, and apply convolutions to obtain the gradient image. Then, using the gradient image, sharpen the image by a factor ofamount.

dimage = im2double(image); gradient = convn(dimage,ones(3)./9,'same') - convn(dimage,ones(5)./25,'same'); amount = 5; sharpened = dimage + amount.*gradient;

调整,情节和比较原始和sharpened images.

imshow(imresize([dimage, sharpened],0.7)); title('Original image (left) vs sharpened image (right)');

Compute the Mandelbrot Set using GPU-Enabled Functions

This example shows how to use GPU-enabled MATLAB functions to compute a well-known mathematical construction: the Mandelbrot set. Check your GPU using thegpuDevicefunction.

Define the parameters. The Mandelbrot algorithm iterates over a grid of real and imaginary parts. The following code defines the number of iterations, grid size, and grid limits.

maxIterations = 500; gridSize = 1000; xlim = [-0.748766713922161, -0.748766707771757]; ylim = [ 0.123640844894862, 0.123640851045266];

You can use thegpuArrayfunction to transfer data to the GPU and create agpuArray, or you can create an array directly on the GPU.gpuArrayprovides GPU versions of many functions that you can use to create data arrays, such aslinspace. For more information, seeCreate GPU Arrays Directly.

x = gpuArray.linspace(xlim(1),xlim(2),gridSize); y = gpuArray.linspace(ylim(1),ylim(2),gridSize); whosxy
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes x 1x1000 4 gpuArray y 1x1000 4 gpuArray

Many MATLAB functions support gpuArrays. When you supply a gpuArray argument to any GPU-enabled function, the function runs automatically on the GPU. For more information, seeRun MATLAB Functions on a GPU. Create a complex grid for the algorithm, and create the arraycountfor the results. To create this array directly on the GPU, use theonesfunction, and specify'gpuArray'.

[xGrid,yGrid] = meshgrid(x,y); z0 = complex(xGrid,yGrid); count = ones(size(z0),'gpuArray');

The following code implements the Mandelbrot algorithm using GPU-enabled functions. Because the code uses gpuArrays, the calculations happen on the GPU.

z = z0;forn = 0:maxIterations z = z.*z + z0; inside = abs(z) <= 2; count = count + inside;endcount = log(count);

When computations are done, plot the results.

imagesc(x,y,count) colormap([jet();flipud(jet());0 0 0]); axisoff

Work with Sparse Arrays on a GPU

The following functions support sparse gpuArrays.

abs acos acosd acosh acot acotd acoth acsc acscd acsch angle asec asecd asech asin asind asinh atan atand atanh bicg bicgstab ceil cgs classUnderlying conj cos cosd cosh cospi cot cotd coth csc cscd csch ctranspose deg2rad diag
end eps exp expint expm1 find fix floor full gmres gpuArray.speye imag isaUnderlying isdiag isempty isequal isequaln isfinite isfloat isinteger islogical isnumeric isreal issparse istril istriu isUnderlyingType length log log2 log10 log1p lsqr minus mtimes mustBeUnderlyingType ndims nextpow2 nnz
nonzeros norm numel nzmax pcg plus qmr rad2deg real reallog realsqrt round sec secd sech sign sin sind sinh sinpi size sparse spfun spones sprandsym sqrt sum tan tand tanh tfqmr times (.*) trace transpose tril triu uminus underlyingType uplus

您可以创建一个稀疏gpuArray要么通过调用sparsewith a gpuArray input, or by callinggpuArray稀疏的输入。例如,

x = [0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1]
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
s = sparse(x)
(1,2) 1 (2,5) 1
g = gpuArray(s);% g is a sparse gpuArraygt = transpose(g);% gt is a sparse gpuArrayf = full(gt)% f is a full gpuArray
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Sparse gpuArrays do not support indexing. Instead, usefindto locate nonzero elements of the array and their row and column indices. Then, replace the values you want and construct a new sparse gpuArray.

Work with Complex Numbers on a GPU

If the output of a function running on the GPU could potentially be complex, you must explicitly specify its input arguments as complex. This applies togpuArrayor to functions called in code run byarrayfun.

例如,if creating a gpuArray that might have negative elements, useG = gpuArray(complex(p)), then you can successfully executesqrt(G).

Or, within a function passed toarrayfun, ifxis a vector of real numbers, and some elements have negative values,sqrt(x)generates an error; instead you should callsqrt(complex(x)).

If the result is a gpuArray of complex data and all the imaginary parts are zero, these parts are retained and the data remains complex. This could have an impact when usingsort,isreal, and so on.

The following table lists the functions that might return complex data, along with the input range over which the output remains real.

Function Input Range for Real Output
acos(x) abs(x) <= 1
acosh(x) x >= 1
acoth(x) abs(x) >= 1
acsc(x) abs(x) >= 1
asec(x) abs(x) >= 1
asech(x) 0 <= x <= 1
asin(x) abs(x) <= 1
atanh(x) abs(x) <= 1
log(x) x >= 0
log1p(x) x >= -1
log10(x) x >= 0
log2(x) x >= 0
power(x,y) x >= 0
reallog(x) x >= 0
realsqrt(x) x >= 0
sqrt(x) x >= 0

Special Conditions for gpuArray Inputs

GPU-enabled functions run on the GPU only when the data is on the GPU. For example, the following code runs on GPU because the data, the first input, is on the GPU:

>> sum(gpuArray(magic(10)),2);
However, this code does not run on GPU because the data, the first input, is not on the GPU:
>> sum(magic(10),gpuArray(2));
If your input argument gpuArrays contain items such as dimensions, scaling factors, or number of iterations, then the function gathers them and computes on the CPU. Functions only run on the GPU when the actual data arguments are gpuArrays.


MAGMAis a library of linear algebra routines that take advantage of GPU acceleration. Linear algebra functions implemented for gpuArrays in Parallel Computing Toolbox leverage MAGMA to achieve high performance and accuracy.

See Also


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