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Find world points that correspond to point tracks



pointIndices= findWorldPointsInTracks(wpSet,tracks)finds the indices of world pointspointIndicesthat correspond to the specified point trackstracks.


[pointIndices,validIndex] = findWorldPointsInTracks(wpSet,tracks)additionally returns a vector that indicates whether each point track has a corresponding world point.


collapse all

Load precomputed world point set and image view set.

data = load(fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata','worldpointsetAndTracks.mat'));

Find point tracks across views.

tracks = findTracks(data.vSet);

Find 3-D world points corresponding to point tracks.

pointIndices = findWorldPointsInTracks(data.wpSet,tracks);

Input Arguments

collapse all

World point set, specified as aworldpointsetobject.

Point tracks, specified as anM-element row vector ofpointTrack对象.

Output Arguments

collapse all

3-D world point indices, returned as anN-element column vector.Nis the number of world points for which the function detects corresponding point tracks.

Logical index of point track correspondences, returned as anM-element logical vector.Mis the number of point tracks in thetracksargument. A value of1(true) indicates that the associated point track has a corresponding world point, and a value of0(false) indicates that it does not.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b