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Transaction Cost Analysis


Estimate trading costs, perform trading analytics, and optimize trading strategies using Kissell Research Group data and formulations. The transaction cost analysis functions decrypt the Kissell Research Group market-impact data to estimate trading costs. You can retrieve this data based on your credentials that consist of a user name and password. For details about credentials, contact the Kissell Research Group. For a simple example of transaction cost analysis, see估计股票收集的交易成本.


krg Create Kissell Research Group transaction cost analysis object
costCurves Estimate market-impact cost of order execution
iStar Estimate instantaneous trading cost for order
liquidityFactor Estimate and compare liquidation costs across stocks
marketImpact 估计由于订单或贸易引起的价格变动
portfolioCostCurves Estimate market-impact cost of order execution for portfolio
priceAppreciation Estimate trading cost due to natural price movement
timingRisk Estimate uncertainty of market impact cost


Estimate Trading Costs

Optimize Trading Strategies

Post-Trade Analysis

Metrics and Example Data Descriptions