Bayesian Linear Regression Models

Posterior estimation, simulation, and predictor variable selection using a variety of prior models for the regression coefficients and disturbance variance

Bayesian linear regression models treat regression coefficients and the disturbance variance as random variables, rather than fixed but unknown quantities. This assumption leads to a more flexible model and intuitive inferences. For more details, seeBayesian Linear Regression.

To start a Bayesian linear regression analysis, create a standard model object that best describes your prior assumptions on the joint distribution of the regression coefficients and disturbance variance. Then, using the model and data, you can estimate characteristics of the posterior distributions, simulate from the posterior distributions, or forecast responses using the predictive posterior distribution.

Alternatively, you can perform predictor variable selection by working with the model object for Bayesian variable selection.


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conjugateblm Bayesian linear regression model with conjugate prior for data likelihood
semiconjugateblm Bayesian linear regression model with semiconjugate prior for data likelihood
diffuseblm Bayesian linear regression model with diffuse conjugate prior for data likelihood
empiricalblm Bayesian linear regression model with samples from prior or posterior distributions
customblm Bayesian linear regression model with custom joint prior distribution
mixconjugateblm Bayesian linear regression model with conjugate priors for stochastic search variable selection (SSVS)
mixsemiconjugateblm Bayesian linear regression model with semiconjugate priors for stochastic search variable selection (SSVS)
lassoblm Bayesian linear regression model with lasso regularization


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bayeslm Create Bayesian linear regression model object
estimate Estimate posterior distribution of Bayesian linear regression model parameters
summarize Distribution summary statistics of standard Bayesian linear regression model
plot Visualize prior and posterior densities of Bayesian linear regression model parameters
estimate Perform predictor variable selection for Bayesian linear regression models
summarize Distribution summary statistics of Bayesian linear regression model for predictor variable selection
plot Visualize prior and posterior densities of Bayesian linear regression model parameters
simulate Simulate regression coefficients and disturbance variance of Bayesian linear regression model
sampleroptions Create Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler options
forecast Forecast responses of Bayesian linear regression model


Bayesian Linear Regression

Learn about Bayesian analyses and how a Bayesian view of linear regression differs from a classical view.

Implement Bayesian Linear Regression

Combine standard Bayesian linear regression prior models and data to estimate posterior distribution features or to perform Bayesian predictor selection. Both workflows yield posterior models that are well suited for further analysis, such as forecasting.

Posterior Estimation and Simulation Diagnostics

Tune Markov Chain Monte Carlo sample for adequate mixing and perform a prior distribution sensitivity analysis.

Specify Gradient for HMC Sampler

建立一个有效率的贝叶斯线性回归模型cient posterior sampling using the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler.

Tune Slice Sampler For Posterior Estimation

Improve a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sample for posterior estimation and inference of a Bayesian linear regression model.

Compare Robust Regression Techniques

Address influential outliers using regression models with ARIMA errors, bags of regression trees, and Bayesian linear regression.

Bayesian Lasso Regression

Perform variable selection using Bayesian lasso regression.

贝叶斯随机搜索杂文集ble Selection

Implement stochastic search variable selection (SSVS), a Bayesian variable selection technique.

Replacing Removed Syntaxes of estimate

Theestimatefunction of the Bayesian linear regression modelsconjugateblm,semiconjugateblm,diffuseblm,empiricalblm, andcustomblmreturns only an estimated model and an estimation summary table.