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Bill Gates’ Warning from 2017: We’re not ready for a pandemic


In aBusiness Insider比尔盖茨从2017年开始,比尔盖茨表示,“它是由大自然怪癖或恐怖分子的手中发生,流行病学家说,快速移动的空气传播病原体可以在不到一年内杀死超过3000万人。他们说,世界将在未来10-15年内遇到这种疫情的合理概率。“

Three years later, the world is battling such a pathogen: COVID-19.

基于网络的Covid-19仪表板由Johns Hopkins University在Baltimore,MD,如5月13日在2012年5月13日所示。图像信用:约翰霍普金斯大学(JHU)的系统科学与工程中心(CSSE)

Gates continued, “And even if the next pandemic isn’t on the scale of the 1918 flu, we would be wise to consider the social and economic turmoil that might ensue if something like Ebola made its way into a lot of major urban centers.”

迄今为止,Covid-19 Pandemery有超过420万,我们刚刚开始看到盖茨所提到的社会和经济动荡的影响。

Gates Foundation shifts focus to COVID-19

比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会,禀赋超过460亿美元, has focused on initiatives that improve global health and wellbeing since its founding 20 years ago. Targeting diseases such as malaria, HIV, and polio, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped battle public health crises worldwide.

But the severity of COVID-19 caused the foundation to realign their considerable public health expertise to focus on this pandemic.

Gates told theFinancial Times, “We’ve taken an organization that was focused on HIV and malaria and polio eradication, and almost entirely shifted it to work on this. This has the foundation’s total attention. Even our non-health related work, like higher education and K-12 [schools], is completely switched around to look at how you facilitate online learning.”

Bill Gates did aReddit “Ask Me Anything”session on COVID-19 on March 18, 2020. Image credit: Gates Notes Blog

除其他努力之外,账单和Melinda Gates基金会正在努力确定病例的数量和来源以及如何传播疾病。

“That’s why we are funding modeling to help predict the course of the virus, and providing technical assistance and funding to develop more effective diagnostics,” states The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation newsletter,The Optimist.

MathWorks Applauds the Foundation’s Proven Track Record

MathWorks认识到基础的全球健康危机的独特体验。为了帮助COVID-19,Mathworks向Bill&Melinda Gates基金会的打击Covid-19基金提供100万美元。

“MathWorks想找到一个在我们的组织could make a meaningful contribution to scientific and engineering efforts to combat COVID-19,” said Jack Little, CEO of MathWorks. “Over the last five years Bill Gates has become a foremost expert on pandemics and we’re proud to support the scientifically-driven root cause solutions his Foundation is pursuing to fight COVID-19 around the world.”

The full announcement can be read这里.

“An Extraordinary Triumph of Human Will”

In the 2017Business InsiderOP-ED,比尔盖茨通过以下陈述关闭,“当下一个大流行罢工时,它可能是人类历史中的另一个灾难。或者它可能完全是别的东西。人类的非凡胜利。当我们再次证明这一点时,我们能够承担世界上最大的挑战,以创造更安全,更健康,更稳定的世界。“


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