Formula SAE: Michigan and California

Formula SAE Michigan汇集了来自世界各地的100多个团队,在那里学生面临设计和制造单座赛车的挑战。竞争团队花费一年的时间设计,建造和测试他们的汽车。最后,他们将向法官展示自己的项目,并通过参加各种静态和动态的活动来展示其在赛马场上的技术解决方案。万博 尤文图斯


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Student Tutorials and Videos

Learn how to use MATLAB and Simulink to design algorithms, create simulations, deploy code, and speed up software development for your projects.

Video Tutorials for Your Team


Learn by doing! Our two-hour online courses provide a hands-on learning environment where you will interact with a web-based version of MATLAB and receive instant and contextual feedback.


Physical Modeling Video Tutorials

Get started modeling, simulating, and analyzing automotive systems with these free training materials.

Code Generation Video Tutorials

了解如何将MATLAB功能和Simulink模型转换为C/C ++代码。万博1manbetx